Minimize your college application errors by visiting the Transfer Center

About 1800 students transfer from Santa Ana College each year. Photo by KaliRaahVisuals / El Don

Students who are interested in pursuing their education at a university are not reaching out to the Transfer Center to obtain guidance to complete their applications, officials said. 

A majority of students fill out their applications, which can create setbacks within their transfer journey. Instead, the University Transfer Center Counselor and Coordinator Leo Pastrana suggests making appointments to alleviate inaccuracies and cumbersome obstacles. 

“I had a lot of errors in my application before checking in with the Transfer Center,” said Nicole Rivas, a fashion design major who will transfer in the fall. “I was unsure of what classes I needed to transfer for my major. Leo explained all the information I needed to know.” 

To experience an increase in participation from the students, the Transfer Center has been more active on social media platforms such as Instagram and reaching out to students via email. Additionally, they collaborate with student services to orchestrate guest speakers and field trips for students as an additional resource to seek transfer assistance and clarity. 

For the academic year of 2022-2023, about 7 in 100 students transferred. This averages about 1,800 transfers a year. A new student funding formula which will be applied next year allows the school to get paid for every student who transfers.

“We hope to see a 10% increase every year,” Pastrana said. 

The Transfer Center provides students with a resource to establish an academic plan enabling them to transfer to a four year university. Counselors encourage students to make appointments via online, in person or on the phone. is a program on campus, located in the administration building, on the first floor. 

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Counselors are available  for students from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Mon.-Wed., 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursdays and 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Fridays University Transfer Center (


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