Getting to know: Dean of Kinesiology Andrea Picchi

Andrea Picchi was appointed as Dean of Kinesiology in March. Photo by Brandon Rowley / el Don

Andrea Picchi the new Dean of Kinesiology is keeping SAC’s sports moving. With the drive and determination of a college basketball veteran, she spends her days juggling budgets and the current events of our athletes’ day to day. 

Playing and coaching basketball for 12 years, she has experience working and guiding programs to victory. Learned through high school, community college and four-year level basketball.

Graduating with a major in business from Whittier College, she understands the importance business has in sports. A major part of her day-by-day as dean is dealing with finances. Whether it’s something to do with sports or the kinesiology department.

“Learning how to manage and market people has been a major benefit to going to school on a smaller campus,” she explained. Picchi has helped market students who are looking to transfer to a four-year, as well as managing her staff in kinesiology. 

Picchi believes that she could give that experience to others. “It’s also very important that diversity isn’t just acknowledged but celebrated,” which she believes is a major part of the campus’s strength. 

Picchi’s time on campus has been overwhelmingly positive. “Our athletic director, as well as Dr. Neary and Dr. Lamb, have supported us 100%,” Picchi stated. “We have a great foundation here. I kind of stepped into a dream team.” 

Picchi looks forward to pushing Dons sports into greatness. Through supporting both teams and the students on them. 

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