Protestors rallied in the streets of Downtown Santa Ana on Nov. 13 in opposition to President-elect Donald Trump’s negative campaign messages and policies targeting women, African-Americans, Muslims, people with disabilities and the indigenous and LGBTQIA communities.
The protest, United Against Hate: A Call For Unity, extended for several blocks with marchers ending at the Old Orange County Courthouse and the Plaza Calle Cuatro, chanting phrases like “We reject the president-elect,” “My body, my choice” and “Say it loud, say it clear, immigrants are welcome here.”
Niusha Hajikhodaverdikhan was among about 300 demonstrating against Trump. As a Muslim and community activist, she was there to promote peace among those targeted by his campaign.
“I’m not pro Hillary, I’m not pro Obama even, I’m just pro people,” she said. “With Trump winning the election, people are finally realizing that this country is so racist and oppressing…and people are coming together.”
The gathering was peaceful, and Cpl. Anthony Bertagna of the Santa Ana Police Department said the department received no complaints about the demonstration.
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The downtown rally was preceded by two anti-Trump protests on Bristol Street earlier in the week.
On the night of Nov. 11, about 50 anti-Trump protestors, carrying Mexican flags and posters emblazoned with slogans like “Not My President,” gathered at Bristol Street and McFadden Avenue. About a dozen police officers on horses monitored the protest, which drew a small crowd of spectators.
Jayleen, a teenager who refused to give her last name, was among those who participated.
“The reason that I am here today is because my parents can’t come out here, they’re scared that they’re going to get deported; and to show we care about immigrants,” she said, with the lower half of her face covered by a blue bandana.
On Nov. 9, a protest stretched from about 7:30 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. on Bristol Street, from McFadden Avenue to Edinger Avenue.
Carrying signs that read “Dump Trump” and “Stop White Supremacy,” demonstrators made their way down both sides of Bristol Street, and congregated on medians and in store parking lots. At one point, a small group knelt in the intersection of Bristol Street and Edinger Avenue, chanting “United we stand, united we fall.”
Things turned violent when some activists threw rocks and bottles at police. Marchers were asked several times to disperse, Bertagna said. When they refused, police shot rubber bullets to break up the crowds.
Six law-enforcement vehicles were damaged during the event and two businesses were vandalized with anti-Trump messages, Bertagna said.
Ten people, including seven adults and three minors, were arrested, Bertagna said.