Community gallery Crear Studio hosted Jose Lozano, “el que pinta”, a Chicano artist from Orange county on Sunday, Feb. 26. Dozens of spectators flowed in and out of the studio, interpreting each of his artworks and listening to his artistic journey.
His recent series, The Yellow Pad Series, highlighted 27 of his drawings. Each one has a yellow lined background, imitating the yellow pages he usually draws his doodles on.
Growing up, Lozano said he always thought art was only for rich people. When he started drawing, he wanted to focus on things he saw every day in his community. “My art is about sending a message on beautiful messes, about making the ugly—pretty,” said Lozano.

During the artist talk, Lozano said he values his own self expression and style in each painting and drawing. “I don’t do pretty, it’s just the way that I like to express myself.”
“I know how to draw realistically, but those things ain’t nothing. They’re just executed things made with pencils and brushes, and it’s not supposed to be like that.” Lozano said, explaining the way his drawings came to life.

The drawing “El Viento,” Lozano’s personal favorite, has written, “Ojala que este viento me arrastre y me lleve a un mejor lugar.” This translates to “I hope this wind drags me and takes me to a better place.”

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