SAC’s New Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Club Lets You Earn Belts and Rankings

SAC has started its first Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu club Sept. 25 by Mark Dearing, the Academic Computing Supervisor at SAC.
Club members can practice new techniques under instructor supervision. / Jessmarie Flores / el Don

SAC’s first Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu club started this semester, allowing students to gain experience and earn belts in the strenuous martial art.

Brazilian jiu-jitsu is a martial art and combat sport based in judo that teaches a person how to defend himself against a larger adversary. It contains stand-up maneuvers, but it is most famous for its devastating ground-fighting techniques. Gaining superior positioning so one can apply the style’s numerous chokes, holds, locks and joint manipulations on an opponent is key in BJJ.

“My goal in starting a BJJ Club was first to share the amazing benefits of jiu-jitsu with SAC students and staff. I also wanted to teach students effective self-defense techniques that could save their lives one day,” said Academic Computing Center Supervisor Mark Dearing, who is the club’s adviser.

Dearing described BJJ as a platform for people to discover their inner self as well as overcome challenges and fears, while learning practical skills that can be used for self-defense.

Students now have the opportunity to receive belts along with rankings as well.

The belt system works as far as you progress as a member, and it is used is in alignment with the International Federation of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Belts are awarded based on several requirements. First, there is a time-on-the-mat requirement. Generally, after anywhere from six months to two years, a student is eligible for their blue belt. A second requirement is the person’s ability to learn and apply basic fundamental concepts and principles. A third element is the student’s character. The student must show that they are a team player that shows effort in helping other students learn.

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The final requirement is the professor’s judgement. In Brazilian jiu-jitsu, every black belt recipient that teaches is called professor, and students under the professor that teach are called coaches. It’s a unique concept to BJJ and is part of the etiquette that is expected and shown in deference to all the years a black belt has spent mastering their craft.

“The benefits for this club are for both the students and staff so that we come together within a fun, safe environment and practice an ancient art,” Dearing said.

Practices are held Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. in the W-Building, Room 111.

The cost to join the club is $20 for the fall semester only; however, the cost will rise to $50 in the spring.

Potential members must be enrolled in at least six units at SAC and register in A-106 by providing the $20 semester fee, student I.D. number and a signed  waiver.

Jordy Espinoza

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