Trying to hold it in until you get home


Unsavory restroom conditions are rampant around campus, so it is about time we do our part to keep them clean:

Filthy. Not “great” or “okay” as written above on the maintenance log placed in the men’s restroom on the first floor of the C Building, but filthy. Take a stroll through Dunlap Hall and the word disgusting comes to mind.

The student body’s apparent penchant for making a mess of our surroundings is evidenced throughout campus restrooms, displayed in toilet paper tapestries and urine-covered thrones. Scouring the school for the lone decent restroom is a daily pilgrimage for some, a journey that can leave you late for class and unhygienic.

Would you do this in your own home? Would you do this to your friend’s bathroom? Were you raised in a barn? If you answered yes to any or all of those questions, please, clean up after yourself.

Our custodians were hired for daily maintenance, not to clean spit off the floors.

Take some pride in your school. If you go for the Kobe impersonation with your paper towel and clank off the rim like Shaq, pick it up. Guys, you know the drill, lift the toilet seat.

Our actions reflect the way we feel about our campus and our community.

It may seem trivial, but at least it is a start.

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