Tensions Run High as O.C. Marchers Rally to Support President

About 2,000 people gathered to support President Donald Trump at the “Make America Great Again” march in Huntington Beach on Saturday, March 25.
Small business owners Daryl and Tamika Jackson support Trump for his policies on the economy, health care, taxes and immigration. “Yes, he may be blunt and say some awful things but he is our president now. The question is, how he is going to move my personal agenda?” Tamika said. / R. Nicanor Santana/ el Don

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About 2,000 people gathered to support President Donald Trump at the “Make America Great Again” march in Huntington Beach on Saturday, March 25, which resulted in a brief clash with counter-protesters and ended with four arrests.

The mostly-peaceful march spread a mile across the Bolsa Chica State Beach bike path. Participants dressed in vibrant red, white and blue clothing and waved American Flags. Others carried signs saying “Our Country, Our President,” “Patriots for Trump” and “Don’t Tread on Me.”

“It is not un-American to say that people should follow the rules in order to enter our country. For him to be bold, that was important to me,” Trump supporter Tamika Jackson said.

Footage of violence emerged that showed a counter-protester being punched in the face by a Trump supporter and a counter-protester pepper spraying Trump supporters, including the march’s organizer. Members of OC Weekly and KTLA Channel 5 also got involved in the clash.

“We have our right as well. We don’t have to agree with your march. We can be peaceful,” counter-protester Michael Wauschek said. “We were just standing holding our signs and people were saying every bad name in the book.”  

Trump supporters stated they agreed with Trump’s policies including health care, tax and immigration policies.

“I’m here to support Trump. Most importantly, as a Mexican, I want him to build a wall to keep this country safe,” Jose Roberto said.





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