August 30, 2013
1 min read

Students welcomed back with burgers and books

Student David Pham piles toppings on his free burger during ASG's Welcome Back event. / Rogelio Santana/ el Don
Student David Pham piles toppings on his free burger during ASG's Welcome Back event. / Rogelio Santana/ el Don
Student David Pham piles toppings on his free burger during ASG’s Welcome Back event. / Rogelio Santana/ el Don

By: C. Harold Pierce

Crowds of sweaty students gathered around Hartnett Fountain Wednesday afternoon for a chance to win bookstore gift cards.

The Santa Ana College Foundation teamed with Don Bookstore to donate $3,000 in gift certificates as part of the Associated Student Government’s Welcome Back event.

“I didn’t even know this was going on today,” said Michelle Kobzeff, a student who won a $150 gift card. “I’m trying to get into a lot of classes– about 16 units, and I’m pushing for 20, so this will help a lot.”

Additionally, ASG raffled off about 25 gift cards ranging from movie tickets to passes to the Aquarium of the Pacific.

The Welcome Back event exposes students to the services SAC has to offer, ASG Vice President Brian Perez said.

“So many students just come here, go to class, then go home, and they really don’t stick around campus. There’s lots of opportunity here,” Perez said.

The event highlighted departments like Health and Psychological Services where $19 will buy you a doctor’s visit.

A few booths down, labor union representatives promoted free apprenticeship programs.

Hundreds of students hula hooped and played trivia as they waited in lines stretching past Dunlap Hall for free burgers, hot dogs and drinks.

The free food and chance for a gift card to the Don Bookstore was a welcome surprise on first-year student David Pham’s second day of classes.

“The experience is scary, but exciting at the same time,” Pham said.

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