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Lifestyle - Page 63

Powerful Parody

By: JP Chabot Instead of being a gang-warfare simulator like its predecessors, Saints Row IV makes itself as silly as possible. As the president of the United States, the player becomes endowed
September 15, 2013

East End Gets A Facelift

By: Jocelyne Poblador The brick-lined walls of a 1920s-era downtown Santa Ana building received a hipster makeover Tuesday as two local artists motivated by divergent styles brushed the final touches on a
September 15, 2013

Orange County Film Fiesta

By: Aaron Vasquez and JP Chabot The Orange County Film Fiesta celebrates Santa Ana and the myriad artists and works associated with this multicultural city. This is the fourth year for
August 26, 2013


Doctor Who By: Jocelyne Poblador The Doctor has endured decades of compelling time travel adventures, alien life forms and alternate realities, complete with villains like the Daleks, the Doctor’s long-running nemesis.  With
August 26, 2013


Supernatural By: Jocelyne Poblador Impending doom lurks over the world as demons, leviathans and vampires wreak havoc on the human race. But a new age of (sexy) ghostbusters have come to save
August 26, 2013


Sherlock By: Jocelyne Poblador The iconic detective duo of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson are teleported out of 1887 and thrust into 21st century London. Playing off the seemingly homoerotic friendship
August 26, 2013

Student Life Made Easy

By: C. Harold Pierce and Jocelyne Poblador With essays, exams and all-nighters sure to come, college is tough enough as it is. When you add in the long hunt for a
August 26, 2013


Orange is the New Black By: Ale Gonzalez The last 10 years creep up on Piper Chapman, when ex-lesbian lover Alex Vause rats her out as an ex-drug dealer. In Netflix’s latest
August 26, 2013

Binge Watching

By: Jocelyne Poblador My, how the TV consumer has changed. The advent of streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu Plus and Amazon Instant Video may have destroyed the water-cooler culture, but they’ve
August 25, 2013

Art from the masses

This year the art gallery showcases pieces including charcoal sketches, oil paintings and elaborate sculptures. The Santa Ana College Main Art Gallery in the C Building has adorned its walls with an
May 12, 2013
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