Santa Ana College’s Associated Student Government voted in favor of issuing a statement at Monday’s board meeting supporting two tenure-tracked faculty psychologists whose contracts were not recommended for renewal. The statement will officially be decided at ASG’s executive branch meeting that same Monday.
Geena Guerrido and Rashida Mosley worked at the college’s Health and Wellness Center for nearly two years. After not being considered for rehire, Mosley resigned on Feb. 18 while Guerrido currently continues to advocate for her position.
At the Health and Wellness Center, psychologists provide mental health services like individual therapy, brief therapy, crisis walk-in services and more for students.
The possibility of losing two full-time psychologists and their services did not go unnoticed by ASG.
“We are fighting for students’ rights to receive that service from our school,” said ASG Vice President Pro Tempore Hani Nguyen. “It is needed. It is necessary.”
Support for these individuals was also seen at the Rancho Santiago Community College District board meeting last Monday. Bright green shirts and ribbons were worn among faculty members and others in support of the psychologists.
During the meeting’s public comment, ASG leader Jacob Barrueta spoke on the number of students who rely on the services provided by on-campus psychologists. “As a pre-nursing student, I’ve experienced firsthand the immense pressure of balancing rigorous coursework, clinicals and personal responsibilities,” said Barrueta. “Like many students, I rely on campus psychologists to help me navigate these pressures, maintain my mental health and stay on track academically.”
Barrueta would not be the only student affected. According to SAC PRIDE! Counselor Lisa Macafee, “Almost every SAC PRIDE! student I’ve worked with long-term has utilized our psychological services.”
Professor Kelvin Leeds has referred students to the Health and Wellness Center to access therapy. “The students that utilize these services have access to a resource that may not otherwise be available to them,” said Leeds who asked the board to “minimize the impact” a reduction of services will have.
The board decided no reportable action at its last meeting. The item will be back on the agenda for the next board meeting on Monday, Mar. 10, where a decision will be made and ASG may make a statement.
“We are students. We are here to receive services and we are deciding what is best. We have a right to demand for the best service because we are paying for it,” said Nyguen.
- The Health and Wellness Center may lose two full-time psychologists - March 6, 2025
- Getting to know: Beck Miller, SAC PRIDE!’s first coordinator - March 3, 2025
- OPINION: SAC President gives statement standing with undocumented students too late - February 20, 2025