September 16, 2022
1 min read

Print our Fall ’22 Survival guide zine

School is hard. Navigating college and all the moving parts to get what you want out of your degree can feel overwhelming. But you are not alone. We are el Don, a team of journalism students who’s goal is to keep you informed and let you know what’s happening on campus, whether it’s sharing helpful news, celebrating our hardworking student athletes, or holding our public officials accountable. In your hands is our first zine (mini magazine) of the fall semester. Keep in touch for more from us!

Print the below PDF all the way at the bottom to make your own zine! When printing out our survival guide fold the copy in half vertically.


Appointments are no longer required to enter. Study up or print your work. Appointments only needed for study/meeting rooms and one-on-one sessions with a librarian.


Available in-person, online and via email. If you need to talk with a counselor about something quick — like a class waiver, course repetition or short term educational plan — drop-ins are available in-person and via Zoom. Drop-in sessions are for a 15-minute chat with an academic counselor. Schedule a 45 or 60-minute appointment for help with a full educational plan, financial aid appeal, review multiple transcripts or general counseling questions. Contact the counseling front desk support on their website Monday through Wednesday 4-6:30 p.m. and on Thursday from 2-4:30 p.m.

Thrive Center

Three ways to get food using your student ID:

Frozen Food: Up to five prepared meals per day. Microwave them in the campus store.

READ MORE:  Women's wrestling captain leads team into history

Groceries: Stock up on essentials once a week. Bring your own bag for items.

Snacks: Grab some study fuel once a day. Choices vary from bars to seasonal fruit.

Johnson Center

The Spot:

Spend your free time at the student lounge with couches, charging ports, TVs, filtered water fountains. Enjoy activities such as free pingpong table, $1-per-game of pool, free video games, and a projector for events.

Financial Aid/DSIGW:

Ask for financial advice and programs available to assist in paying for school. The California Dream Act Service Incentive Grant Program is available for qualifying students that may receive $1,500 per semester.

Student Business office:

Find assistance with purchasing parking permits (currently not required), paying fees, photo IDs, and discounted tickets.

DSPS Office:

Accommodations for students with disabilities. Career counseling, filling petitions or waivers, as well as sign language interpreters.

Health and Wellness Center:

Services offered are free Covid self-test kits, sexual health services, mental health help, and first aid

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Dons lose to the Fullerton Hornets 56-7

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