President Donald J. Trump’s leadership has brought fear and division into our community. At times it feels like America is losing momentum and much of what we have gained is in peril. Arcane and ill-conceived policies like the travel ban and deportation laws that target specific races, is causing citizens to speak out and resist a return to the days of Jim Crow.
Those affected or just plain angry about his policies are using their collective voices in protest.
With Trump’s election, diverse groups of people are coming together to stand up for what they believe. Communities, regardless of their race, religion or economic status, are fighting to be heard.
At Santa Ana College we are holding public immigration forums to educate students on their rights and helping them access specific resources within their neighborhoods.
For the first time in years, people across the globe are marching and raising their collective voices in protest of civil and human rights abuses.
Many are using these protest marches to unify generations.
The women’s march in Santa Ana was one of the largest in Orange County history. Now, more than ever, in this digital world, it is important to show up. Posting an opinion online is not protesting.
Nothing is more empowering than being physically present and standing up for your rights and your beliefs.
If you choose to sit it out, you will never fully understand what those making history are defending.
Great changes in your world are happening now, and those who aren’t participating in democracy are missing out.
Soon our generation will be in power. If we dare to take hold of this moment and defend ourselves against the things that may divide us we can accomplish great things. Now, more than ever, your voice matters. Use it.
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