April 23, 2012
1 min read

Giving a pint of blood could save your life

The side panel of American Red Cross Blood Services mobile with the red cross symbol.

The front of an American Red cross Blood Mobile with the red cross symbol.STAFF EDITORIAL

California’s reserves are at a dangerous low, so brave the needle and give something back.

The hypodermic needle alone is usually enough to scare most people away. But for 38 percent of eligible donors in the United States, the satisfaction of saving a life is worth the pain.

Whether it is because of physical discomfort or being a little queasy around red bodily fluids, the striking reality is that most people just do not give blood. But why not?

We all see the Red Cross bus on campus a few times a month. It is hard to miss when parked in the middle of the Quad. Maybe we do not have time between classes or we tell ourselves, “Someone else will do it.”

Chances are, they will not.

There is a shortage of blood in the United States, especially in this state. Northern California’s recommended five-day supply of blood for use in responding to national disasters is down to three days. When only 38 percent of eligible donors actually give blood, supplies drain away.

The Red Cross relies on our courage and sense of duty to donate a small amount of what our bodies can regenerate naturally.

In California, the number of eligible donors who give blood has dropped down to just three percent.

One day it might take someone else’s donation to save your life, because in an emergency, anyone could use a pint.


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