September 10, 2011
1 min read

Closing the door on domestic violence

When Santa Ana College speech communications professor Kesha Curtis Hondo was found dead in her home this summer, it was a shock to her family and the SAC community. Indications are that she was a victim of abuse. Too often the signs are ignored and the outcome is often tragic.

Perpetrators of domestic violence are a blight on society. Globally, on average, more than three women are murdered by their spouses or boyfriends every day, and one in three women are victims of domestic violence during their lifetime.Although some women find solace through shelters, others find it difficult to escape the web of abuse. The most unfortunate endings to these stories result in escalating violence and even death. As with Curtis Hondo’s case, abuse often goes on behind closed doors. An anti-social, controlling personality trait can be a precursor to an unexpected murder. Such premeditation makes it easier to hide the effects of physical and emotional violence.The definition of abuse varies. What is considered belittlement and explosive behavior to one woman may seem like acceptable communication to another. Some may choose to put up with and rationalize aggression against them. Some might even feel they deserve it. But o  en it is a very real fear that prevents them from leaving.

It is important that we educate women about ways to get help. Women need to know there are answers and support for them in their darkest times. It is every person’s right to live a happy, fulfilling life, and there are organizations that provide a great place to start.

READ MORE:  Are rap beefs a distraction?

There is always hope.

RELATED STORY: SAC Loses ‘Shining Star’, Kesha remembered
RELATED STORY: Obituary: Kesha Curtin-Hondo
RELATED STORY: SAC Professor Kesha Hondo found dead in suspected murder-suicide
RELATED LINK: Murder-suicide suspected in deaths

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