“Life on the Bhang Bus” is a band that started in the heart of Santa Ana.
They are a true 60s garage punk inspired band. They have a sound parallel to The Strokes’ low-set voice of Julian Casablancas and a fast pace instrumentation of the indie-punk band No Age.
Bhang Bus’ music combines low vocals with unique drumming and a funky bass tone from an aspiring bassist Daniel Garcias. As if Surfer Blood met the drums of Art Blakey, their sound has the vibes of a surfer punk band similar to Le Shocke.
Their show featured the bands first song, “The Midget,” which lacked in songwriting while other songs were missing musical refinement. The lyrics for the remainder of the set were improvised, lead vocalist Malcolm Bennett said.
Currently opposing a meaty label, drummer Greg Sanchez jokes that they are vegetarians and prefer not to eat meat.
If you enjoy an edgy music style, be the first to hop on the bus before everyone else jumps on the bandwagon.
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