Some Santa Ana College sports have been scheduled to resume in early April.
The Dons Softball, Baseball, Track and field and Beach Volleyball players will be the only sports to return.
Athletes are required to go through the daily Covid checklist; temperature checks, wearing a mask and social distancing. The teams have already been doing weekly covid testing since February 16 of this year and will continue through the end of the 2021 competition season.
“Finding out we opted in for the season was the best thing to hear and we are working harder than ever. Our mindset is positive and I expect nothing but great things. we have taken all precautions and are ready to face any challenge,” said Jordan Westerfield.
The plan is for Dons Softball, Baseball, Track and Field as well as Beach Volleyball season to start on April 10, and team sports practice started March 27.
Due to safety restrictions, there will be no spectators allowed in the stands for the Spring 2021 season.
The Dons baseball and softball season schedule will mostly be doubleheader and only Orange Empire Conference opponents. Softball and Baseball schedules have already been posted.
“Fall sports were not safe, there was a surge in the pandemic, and there was no other competition,” Athletic director Mary Hegarty said.