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Lifestyle - Page 56

An Obituary for Ipod

By Aaron Vasquez The iPod is dead. Like the compact disc and the Walkman, technology killed it. Once ubiquitous, iPods dominated the MP3-player market in the mid-00s. After a peak of 22
March 31, 2014

Blast From the Past

By Ale Gonzalez As if you didn’t feel awkward enough on social media, Twitter released a tool that will unearth your very first tweet for its eighth birthday. Besides reading your
March 31, 2014

Glow in the Dark Ride

By C. Harold Pierce Finally, someone is putting glow in the dark technology to good use. Mission Bicycle Company is rolling out bikes with reflective frames aimed at the most cautious of
March 31, 2014

Snake Coils His Way Back

By JP Chabot The latest installment of the stealth-action series of video games was so big that its creator Hideo Kojima felt that it needed to be split into multiple releases. Metal
March 31, 2014

Nerd Alert

By Cory Anderson B-movie director Joe Lynch unleashes a new cult classic Knights of Badassdom. With a Dungeons and Dragons-esque flair it follows three friends, Joe (Ryan Kwanten), Eric (Steve Zahn), and
March 31, 2014

Latin Infusion

By Liz Monroy Shakira’s first English-Language album since She Wolf is a full-fledged mix of pop, electric and country. Cut Me Deep is a Ska-inflected collaboration with the band Magic! The single
March 31, 2014

Zesty Fare

By Katie Porter Café Rio is a refreshing twist on Mexican assembly line cuisine. The eatery has a colorful Latin grill-styled dining area. The burritos are better mojado, and big enough for
March 31, 2014

Crazy Love

By Jason Trung Danish director Lars Von Trier continues to afflict the comfortable with his latest proto-porn opus Nymphomaniac. An older man (Stellan Skarsgard) finds Joe (Charlotte Gainsburg) in a dark alley,
March 31, 2014

Flappy Clones

By Jorge Campos    When Vietnamese game developer Dong Nguyen produced the popular game Flappy Bird, he never thought it would go viral or become so addictive. Nguyen was wrong.    The
March 14, 2014
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