February 28, 2013
1 min read

Seth McFarlane rocks the Oscars

McFarlane takes the stage at the 85th Academy Awards.
McFarlane takes the stage at the 85th Academy Awards.

Women and family organizations are in an uproar after the 85th Academy Awards show where host Family Guy creator Seth McFarlane turned the show on its head.

McFarlane was called out for being sexist and racist by most critics and has faced backlash from numerous organizations. Even with all the controversy there was one thing for certain McFarlane was hilarious at worst and entertaining at best.

The voice actor is known for his frat-boy humor, as he shows in American Dad and first feature film Ted. His comedy is over the top and offensive. So when you hire a comedian, to host a highly respected award show, whose expertise is to push the envelope, some people are going to get offended.

They meant for this to happen, no one should be surprised. His musical numbers were original and outright funny. He closed the show with a colorful duet with Kristin Chenoweth called the Loser Song and naming out all the nominees who lost. McFarlane was only doing what he does best:  making people laugh. If he draws awkward chuckles, he’s done his job.

Despite all the outrage, McFarlane drew in the audiences that the Oscars seemed to have trouble with. Ratings for the 18 to 49-year-old demographic were up 11 percent from 2012. Also, 40.3 million people watched the 2013 Oscars, which is up 1 million from last year and the first time since 2010 the show topped the 40 million, mark according to the Nielsen Co.

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