November 12, 2012
2 mins read

News for Campus, Local & State

Dancing pros • Donate food • Online grant • Holiday Art Sale • Art and Music Festival • Garage sound • Heritage town.

Date: November 16/17/18, 2012.

— Written by Tereelisa Saldivar (el Don Community Editor)

Experience eight dance pieces this weekend at Dancewatch at Philips Hall Threatre.

The dance faculty has hired a professional contemporary dance artist, Leann Alduenda, to work with students on orginal pieces in a master class.

Collaborating with guest performers from Defore Dance Collective, 30 SAC students, both advanced dancers and beginners, will participate. Performance genres include modern, ballet and jazz.

Shows start Nov. 16 and 17 at 8 p.m. and Nov. 18 at 2:30 p.m.

Date: November 17, 2012.

— Written by Margarita Vela (el Don Staff Writer)

Santa Ana Downtown Inc. is hosting the annual Art & Music Festival in the vacant Blue Lot located on First and Bush Streets Nov. 17 from 4 p.m. until 10 p.m.

The all-ages event will showcase local bands, art, and friendly neighborhood eats from surrounding restaurants in the city.

A beer garden will also be available for the 21-and-over crowd.

Artists and vendors who would like to display their work should contact Cecilia Shedarowich at (949) 357- 4998.

Date: November 17, 2012.

— Written by Aaron Vasquez (el don Staff Writer)

Burger Records will host a concert in its store Saturday, Nov. 17. Local bands playing include Destruye y Huye, Meow Twins and South Bay Surfers. The show is free and starts at 9 p.m. at 645 State College Blvd., in Fullerton.

Date: by November 21, 2012.

— Written by Valeria Bautista (el don Staff Writer)

The Thanksgiving Drive is currently accepting donations for families until the deadline on Nov. 21.

The Service Learning Center located in the U-Building Room 204 B will accept clothes, toys, gift cards, canned or packaged food and even business gift cards from grocery stores like Wal-mart and Target.

Families eligible for the donations must include a full-time student who is the single head of the household.

At this time, there are still available spaces for families who want to
be adopted.

Distribution will be in front of the Johnson Building, room U-106, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.

Date: November 27-29, 2012.

— Written by Tereelisa Saldivar (el Don Community Editor)

Make some quick money when you sell your paintings, drawings, photography and handmade crafts at the Holiday Art Sale.

Students taking art classes can submit their work after picking up an orientation packet in the C-Building.

The Art Department will get 25 percent of profits made by students, which supports awards and scholarships.

Students who submit pieces will have to work one two-hour shift during the sale, which will take place from Nov. 27 to Nov. 29.

Date: By February 13, 2013.

— Written by Tereelisa Saldivar
(el Don Community Editor)

The scholarship process is now online, offering $400,000 in awards.

Advisors at the Scholarship Office recommend students begin working now on their letters of recommendation, which will be submitted via email for their application.

Requirements include a grade point average between 2.0 and 3.5 and completion of at least 12 units.

Walk-in hours are Monday through Thursday in S-201 from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The deadline for spring semester scholarships is Feb. 15.


— Written by Margarita Vela (el Don Staff Writer)

The Heritage Museum of Orange County will admit Santa Ana residents free the first Sundays of the month, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Visit the city’s only freshwater marsh. The museum is located at 3101 W. Harvard in Santa Ana.

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