March 28, 2011
1 min read

Optional fee awaits voter approval

Illustration of voters putting ballots into ballot box


Students at Santa Ana College will vote on March 29, 30 for a new Associated Student Government President and Vice President for next semester.

Karla Perez and Evelyn Sanchez are the candidates for President while Melvis Hanson and Frank Perkins are the candidates for Vice President. Perez, Sanchez and Perkins are current members of ASG who are running for different positions while Hanson is the only newcomer.

Also, Duy Le, the current Senator of Science and Math, Jasmine Ordaz, the current Senator of Business, and Jorge Jimenez, the current Senator of Library will run uncontested on the ballot, which means they are automatic winners for the position. All these candidates were absent from the forum held at the spot on March 17.

The Vice President will then appoint people to any voided senate position, followed by a confirmation vote by the sitting student senators, ASG Vise President Steven Mendoza said.

Also, the $1 Student Representation Fee Proposal that passed the student senate earlier in the semester will be on the ballot. Last year, Mendoza said, ASG failed to pass this optional fee coming up 50 votes short of the required two thirds of the average vote of the last three elections.

The proposal will allocate more funds to ASG for expenses spent by members traveling to meetings where they advocate for SAC students.

Related story: Optional fee placed on ballot

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