IN PHOTOS: Cruising for Higher Education

“Why Cruising for Higher Education? They did one last year and it was very small. I said that we can

Check out our Opinion Zine

Eduardo Velaquez our Views editor compiled some of his work into a printable zine alongside reporter Aydin Abdollhi. Check it

Check out our photography zine: “Santa Ana through my eyes”

Check out our reporter, Edgar Galvan’s zine! A compilation of his strongest work residing Santa Ana.

Check out our Green Jelly zine

Reporter Danha Sanchez created a zine of her reporting of her article, “La Santa hosted comedy rock band Green Jellÿ,

Read our Spring 2023 Print: Vol. 99 No.1

Checkout our first print of the year!  News “New Building at Last” // reporting and visuals by Lupita Contreras “Black

CCMA Entry- Best Social Media Reporting

25. Best Social Media Reporting Campus Coverage El Don news media effectively and accurately represented students and the campus community

How Media Policy Silences Students and Faculty– a Danger to Free Speech

Student suppression is coming from inside the house-and it is not okay. On the agenda at the Oct. 11 Academic

Read our Fall 2022 Print: Vol. 98 No. 1

Check out our first print of the Fall semester! Don’t forget to add this to your next coffee date. News

Innovation Pacemaker Entry: el Don’s Year of Zines

As a news outlet at a two-year institution, the el Don and its audience are ever-changing. Even when we’re not

Best Social Media Promotion- ACP/Pinnacles

During the 2021-2022 academic year, el Don staff returned to the newsroom for the first time in 17 months and