¿Será el hecho de que existen tantas maneras de realizar una cita de vacunación para el COVID-19, la razón por la que el proceso es más difícil de lo que debería de
Is the fact that there are so many ways to make an appointment for a Covid-19 vaccine making the process harder than it should be? In my mothers case, it was. Finding
Being a student during a global pandemic is hard. Trying to get your clinical hours in a hospital so you can graduate from nursing school adds its own particular challenges. We spoke
The custody battle is finally over. After eight grueling months of divorce proceedings, we now know with which parent we will be living, or at least that is how it feels. In
Without the obnoxious fans yelling, “I love you” every five seconds or the flash of cell phones going off, viewing a virtual music festival through my laptop was a memorable and exhilarating
For the last 32 years, Dodger fan delinquents have left September or October with the taste in their mouths of a raw onion sautéed with your weird uncle’s dirty socks. Each postseason
As spring drew to an end you might have realized that it was very different, and maybe even difficult to balance your schoolwork with personal issues. Here are some tips from el
This is my second year as a Wildland firefighter. I am currently a SAC student and I am also a member of the el Don. This summer has been such an experience
As my car was gulping down gallons of gravel on the 57 South, I was subconsciously steering away from my past and driving towards my future. From an aerial view, my beat
Quarantine wears on and I notice myself saying “I’m going to make the most of this downtime” far less frequently, and “This isn’t what I signed up for” moreso. As of this