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Lifestyle - Page 48

Rap Diary

Under Pressure Logic  By Souliman Maida   Maryland’s Logic cranked out Under Pressure last month. His hypnotizing beats shift emotions with intelligent lyrical talent animating his life experiences. Logic is widely known
November 11, 2014

Pay For Play

Spotify Spotify Inc. By Jasmine Williams    A new feature in Spotify’s subscription service now allows current users to add up to five people onto their account for an additional 50 cents
November 11, 2014

No Glove, Still Love

Millenials use birth control but are less wary of sexually transmitted diseases By Amanda Zive Condom use among young people declines as they go through college, coinciding with a rise in sexual
November 10, 2014

It’s Under Your Skin

Contraceptive prevents pregnancies for up to three years By Annie Lam Unconventional methods of birth control like implants may be the safer choice for pregnancy prevention, according to the American Congress of
November 10, 2014

Grab a Cup of Sodium

By Jasmine Williams    With college students on a tight budget, opting for ramen noodles as a quick and cheap meal could come at the expense of their health. Consumption of the
November 10, 2014


By Souliman Maida It’s a common sight at the apple stores everywhere: an hours long line of people waiting for the chance to own a new iPhone 6. Apple’s new device launched
October 23, 2014

Ebola Hits the States

By Katie Porter Two nurses who cared for the first person killed by Ebola in the U.S. have tested positive for the disease, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed. The
October 20, 2014

Don’t Believe the Hype

Referred to as a “miracle drink,” the clear liquid from inside the young green fruit is comparable to tap water mixed with baking soda. By Souliman Maida Despite all the hype, coconut
October 20, 2014

Flannel Power

Once a practical choice, warm fabric and layering is now a fashion statement. By John Olivares Dust off your Nirvana CD and raid your rocker uncle’s attic. It’s what’s hip. Flannels and beanies
October 20, 2014

Freaks and Geeks

American Horror Story: Freak Show FX By Jasmine Johnson    After months of freaky and grueling hype, American Horror Story: Freakshow premiered Oct. 8 to much anticipation but subsequently let viewers down.
October 20, 2014
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