Food choice when stressed can make the difference in feeling relief By Angel Ramirez Eating when stressed can be a bad habit when the food of choice is a candy bar or
Coping with the stress of early adult life leads to undiagnosed conditions By Izabella Santana Depression is a recurring disease among students, though one frequently overlooked. Students suffer in silence. With each
By Jorge Campos Consumers trust information on sunscreen labels more than they should, according to the Environmental Working Group 2015 Sunscreen Guide. The report found that 80 percent of 1,700 products tested
By John Olivares Fashion design and merchandising student Christy Bui works through her busy schedule to build her signature collection, StellaMoon, as the end of the semester approaches. StellaMoon represents the style
By John Olivares As more men grow their hair long, the man bun makes a statement while serving a utilitarian purpose. Historically a warrior’s hairstyle, today the man bun is a fashion-forward
By Kaylee Poynter The music starts and the audience is already hooked — Chris Whyte especially. The whole room is in a trance watching the singer and the drummer who are fully
By Meghan Kliewer Before the rock show begins, mindless chatter and background music fill the venue as roadies set up the opening act’s instruments. A cloud carrying a whiff of weed floats
By R. Nicanor Santana Don Mariachi, SAC’s ensemble, will suit up to perform more than 15 classics at Phillips Hall on Friday at 7:30 p.m. The ensemble was formed about 20 years
Amy Universal Music By Nashe Harley Amy, directed by Asif Kapadia, chronicles the life and death of Amy Winehouse with never-before-seen footage of the late singer and interviews with those close to
Weight loss benefits seem to be misleading consumers into drinking more By Angel Ramirez Diet soda can make you fat, a new study reveals. “There is a link between diet soda and