Critical conduct
March 10, 2013
Dine safe: Orange County’s substandard system of food inspection should give customers an appetite for change. It has been five years since an Orange

News for Campus, Local & State
March 10, 2013
FUN EXCAVATION — by Tereelisa Saldivar (elDon Community Editor) Indiana Jones and the Adventure of Archaeology is at the Discovery Science Center until April 21.

Field of global visions
March 10, 2013
For the first time in a decade, the Main Campus Art Gallery will feature an all-photography exhibit. Visual Integration: Interpreting the Cultural and Visual

Santa Ana hosts first gun buyback
March 10, 2013
Gun control: Residents Respond To Local Shooting. In the wake of a streak of gun-related violence, Santa Ana leaders exchange gift cards for guns.

Kindergartens introduced careers of their future
March 9, 2013
The class of 2030 will arrive at Santa Ana College Friday 8 for a day of interactive career stations. Children are introduced, through hands-on

Hawks soar over Dons
March 5, 2013
SOFTBALL: SAC vs. Santiago Canyon. GAME DATE: Friday, March-1-2013. Before throwing a single pitch Friday, visiting Santiago Canyon College figured out sophomore righty Devon

Dons walk-off dishes Chargers first OEC loss
February 28, 2013
SOFTBALL: SAC vs. Cypress. GAME DATE: February-27-2013. Santa Ana waited 19 games through seven years Wednesday, to topple an invading giant. Freshman first baseman

Sail with the whales
February 28, 2013
The Festival of Whales arrives to celebrate the 42nd annual celebration on March 2 to March 3 and March 9 to March 10 at