E-Cig Health Risks Remain Hazy
September 29, 2013
Staff Editorial The effects of second hand vapor remain unknown, but we should take steps to protect nonsmokers. Marketed as a tobacco-less method of smoking

Voter Identification Laws Cheat Minorities
September 29, 2013
By: Alex Olivares Opinion: Voter ID laws only serve to suppress voters, not prevent fraud. It is news to no one that Latinos tend

Twitter Racism Sparks Outrage
September 29, 2013
By: Alex Olivares Nina Davuluri was the first Indian-American to be crowned Miss America, but numerous Twitter comments denied her American identity. One tweet

The Pope Clashes With the Vatican
September 29, 2013
By: JP Chabot Pope Francis has dedicated much of his time changing the tone of the Roman Catholic Church to better reflect modern sensibilities.

Hold the Fries
September 29, 2013
By: Alex Olivares Based on an unusual family named the Belchers, Bob’s Burgers is an animated sitcom that follows their different exploits as they

Boring Bliss
September 29, 2013
By: Aaron Vasquez The debut album from British artist King Krule, 6 Feet Beneath the Moon, tries to blend different genres but comes up

Survival Mode
September 29, 2013
By: JP Chabot In Don’t Starve, the player appears in a dreary, dreamlike landscape and is ordered by a mystery man to survive with

Chalupa Batman
September 29, 2013
By: Jorge Campos The League Six former high school classmates keep the gang together with shenanigans through fantasy football in the FXX comedy The