By: C. Harold Pierce Theatre students step onto the stage and in front of the camera, many for their first time Without a script or the benefit of rehearsals, Dominique Collins walks
By: Jocelyne Poblador Preview: Outrageous and raunchy play tackles women’s intimate thoughts on sex. Matt Morillo’s cult hit, Angry Young Women in Low-Rise Jeans with High-Class Issues will be performed by
By: Katie Porter and Nashe Harley Pending restrictions on e-cigarettes may leave users with fewer places to take a drag. Catching some shade under a tree, Jorge Varela puffs on an e-cigarette
By: Shane Collins After opening the season with a home loss to the Bakersfield College Renegades, the Dons need to find an offensive identity if they want to compete in 2013. “We
By: Valeria Bautista and Yesenia Varela Opinion: The country should not tolerate chemical warfare. There are two types of evil—those who perform evil acts, and those who stand by and watch it
By: JP Chabot WEIRD COMIC BOOKS, GREAT FLICKS Hollywood has realized that comic adaptations are big business, but studios are only pulling from the top of the well. They can’t keep making
By: Jocelyne Poblador The brick-lined walls of a 1920s-era downtown Santa Ana building received a hipster makeover Tuesday as two local artists motivated by divergent styles brushed the final touches on a
By: C. Harold Pierce A large decorative mosaic panel broke loose and fell to the ground from the third floor of Russell Hall last Monday, leaving many students worried about their safety
By: C. Harold Pierce and Jocelyne Poblador With essays, exams and all-nighters sure to come, college is tough enough as it is. When you add in the long hunt for a
By: Shane Collins Millions of dollars and months later Santa Ana College’s state-of-the-art facility is complete. 5.6 Million Cost of the field allocated through Measure E funds with a five-year maintenance plan