Is the Party Over?
March 10, 2014
By: Alex Olivares The California Supreme Court decided last month that hosts charging entrance fees and serving alcohol at their house parties are liable

Police Shooting Triggers Anger
March 10, 2014
When a former student was fatally shot by police, activists accused police of brutality, but shootings are tragic for everyone, including the cop Staff

More Concealed Guns Permitted
March 10, 2014
By: Joanna Meza Concealed carry weapon permits may be easier to acquire in Orange County. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled last

Treatable Illness Remains an Issue
March 10, 2014
By: Alex Olivares Cases of measles and whooping cough have surged in California this year with infections reaching Orange County, according to the OC

March 10, 2014
The image is iconic — hordes of fangirls screeching for a glimpse of four young musicians in matching suits and haircuts By: JP Chabot

Found Objects Fuel Show
March 10, 2014
By: Jocelyne Poblador A bit of local flavor spices up the C-building gallery this semester. Around the Corner features artists from around Orange County,

Cannibal Corpse
March 10, 2014
By: Jocelyne Poblador In the anime series Attack on Titan the human race lives behind three massive walls protecting them from gigantic cannibals called titans.

Dawning Ruckus
March 10, 2014
By: Edson Valenzuela Beck’s 12th studio album, Morning Phase, is an ambient blend of orchestrated and digital production. The opening track Morning reintroduces us