Comeback Kid
May 12, 2014
The White Tortilla Orange, Calif. By Vanessa Cortez After more than 20 years of absence, Mexican restaurant The White Tortilla made a comeback in

Creeping Death
May 12, 2014
Death Mask Lord Mantis By Alex Olivares Extreme metal act Lord Mantis’ latest release, Death Mask, seeks to breed sludge tempos with a black

Caught in a Web
May 12, 2014
The Amazing Spiderman 2 Marvel Entertainment By Edson Valenzuela The Amazing Spiderman 2 has a big cast and plenty of CGI. Unfortunately, the overabundance

Giants Fall Short
May 12, 2014
Mind Over Matter Young and the Giant By Nashe Harley Mind Over Matter is the second album by Southern California indie-rock quartet Young the

Learning Curve
May 12, 2014
By Nashe Harley Bowers Museum presents Il Primo Incarico (The First Assignment) May 18. The film, which is set in 1953 Southern Italy, follows

Male Star Reveals his X-Rated Life
May 12, 2014
Q&A By C. Harold Pierce After a decade of performing in nearly 1,000 scenes while working for studios including Bangbros, Vivid and Hustler, adult-film

District Raises Parking Penalty
May 12, 2014
By Aaron Vasquez Parking fines increased for the first time in 20 years when citation costs more than doubled from $20 to $45 earlier