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Prohibition is not the solution

Feds challenge court order allowing access to emergency contraception to teens without a prescription. The Justice Department filed a notice of appeal over U.S. District Judge Edward Korman’s ruling, ordering the U.S.
May 9, 2013

Danger in the age of instant news

MEDIA: After breaking news from the Associated Press Twitter account reported two bombs had detonated in the White House, with President Obama injured, Wall Street went into a $200-billion freefall. The news
April 28, 2013

Online identities toy with emotion

SOCIAL NETWORKING: “Catfishing,” a disturbing and growing online trend, happens when someone creates a false social media account in hopes of luring someone into an emotional, and in many cases romantic, relationship.
April 28, 2013

Reboot or get the boot

Staff Editorial Left to their own devices, student leaders get bogged down by petty infighting that embarrasses us all. Associated Student Government President Edna Tobias and Vice-President Michael Burris chose to
April 28, 2013

Restraint prevails after attacks

By: JP Chabot BOSTON: “We live in a free society where anyone could attack us at any time. But we also live in a world where those freedoms allow us to come
April 28, 2013

GOP hopeless without change

POLITICS: After defeat in the 2012 presidential election, Republican politics need a transformation if the party ever wants to see another chief in the White House. A political party with a majority
April 15, 2013

Unions, college succeed

Cheaper bids from private sector companies may come with hidden costs for future SAC public works projects. The RSCCD Board of Trustees’ decision to give nearly $198 million in construction projects exclusively
April 15, 2013

Marriage case comes too soon

The issue of same-sex marriage comes to the forefront as the Supreme Court hears the case. The Supreme Court is now in the process of reviewing the constitutionality of California’s Proposition 8,
April 15, 2013

Normal people, different thoughts

OPINION: Teen depression. While most wake up with thousands of positive thoughts and ideas in their head, others are not so lucky. About 19 million Americans struggle with thoughts of sadness and
March 15, 2013

ASG taking their power back

ASG leaders mobilize to define their adviser’s role after a resolution limiting his power was buried for more than four years. The recent political maneuver by the Associated Student Government in redefining
March 10, 2013
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