OC’s Measles Epidemic Continues to Spread
February 16, 2015
Containing an outbreak linked to unvaccinated children strains public health resources By John Olivares A measles epidemic that began at Disneyland has spread to

College Officials Support Obama’s Free-Tuition Plan
February 16, 2015
California educates 60 percent of community college students for free By Jovany Leon Education officials support President Obama’s plan to offer free tuition for

Don Bookstore Launches Free Loyalty Rewards Program
February 16, 2015
By Jovany Leon The Don Bookstore launched a free loyalty rewards program at the start of the semester that students and faculty can join

Getting To Know: Athletic Field Groundskeeper Jesse Garcia
February 16, 2015
By Izabella Santana Keeping Santa Ana College’s athletic fields up to par is an overlooked task and may be seen as a thankless job.

Trans Community Faces More Mental Health Issues
February 16, 2015
Suicide rates are higher among the transgender community studies reveal By Joanna Meza Members of the transgender community are 40 times more likely to

Charges Filed in Silicone-Injection Death of Transgender Woman
February 16, 2015
By Joanna Meza A suspect in the death of a transgender Santa Ana woman was charged with voluntary manslaughter. Liborio De La Luz Ramos

Dons Pitchers Hurl A Shutout
February 12, 2015
By Jacob Peterson and Jaime Buenaventura Two pitchers combined for the Dons second straight shutout in its Orange Empire Conference season opener as they

Dons Win In Walk Off Fashion
February 10, 2015
By Andrew Mata and Jaime Buenaventura An ugly confrontation that continued in the parking lot Tuesday spoiled a heroic walk-off victory sparked by