Downtown Santa Ana’s East End Gets It’s Own Dining Hall And Culinary Center
March 30, 2015
With 15 unique food stands, including a European-inspired butcher shop and an artisanal food shop, 4th Street Market is a modern take on traditional

From The Streets of Japan, Formula Drift Takes America By Storm
March 30, 2015
By Emilio Rodriguez Orange County’s Jim Liaw and Ryan Sage are prepping for the 12th season of Formula Drift, which starts in April. Inspired

Opening of the Tessmann Planetarium
March 17, 2015
By Jose Servin Tessmann Planetarium is now open. Santa Ana College President Erlinda Martinez hosted the opening of the renovated planetarium and the Veterans

Wild Play Puts Dons in First
March 17, 2015
By Jacob Peterson Shortstop Katlyn Harvey scored the winning run on a wild sixth inning play as the Dons defeated Cypress College, 3-1, to

Bacon Crust Pizza, Microsoft Evolve and Secrets and Lies: Hotlines March 9, 2015
March 11, 2015
By Emilio Rodriguez Little Caesars upped the ante of the “Deep! Deep! Dish” pizza, adding bacon wrapped crusts. The taste of pepperoni and cheese

College Employees Now Required To Report Sexual Abuse
March 11, 2015
By Jose Servin College faculty and classified staff are now mandated by a federal law to report sexual misconduct committed against their students. Educators

Sailor Moon, Jazz Menagerie and Mila Kunis’ Latest: Hotlines March 1, 2015
March 3, 2015
By Matthew Salzer As part of its 20th anniversary, the Sailor Moon franchise was rebooted in August with the release of Sailor Moon Crystal.

Dons Make Quick Work of Rustlers
February 25, 2015
By Jacob Peterson and Jaime Buenaventura Starting pitcher Tori Franks tossed her third shutout Wednesday as the Dons stomped out the Golden West Rustlers,