Freshman Toni Lopez is the Orange Empire Conference Champion
December 10, 2015
By Diana Viera Freshman Toni Lopez is the Dons’ first individual Orange Empire Conference champion in women’s cross-country. “Finding out that I was the

Modified Headlights are Detrimental to Everyone on the Road
December 10, 2015
By Itzel Quintana After spending a 10-hour day staring at computer screens and white boards nothing sounds better than rushing home to the comfort

Transforming Four More
December 9, 2015
By Angel Ramirez The Transformers franchise will be adding four more sequels. Hasbro’s Executive Vice President and Chief Content Officer, Stephen J. Davis,

Lawmakers Want To Limit Fuel Consumption
December 9, 2015
News Analysis By Angel Ramirez To enforce gas restrictions, regulators now plan to monitor and collect personal driving data. Senate Bill 350, which

Bernie Sanders Knows What Millenials Want
December 9, 2015
By Arleeny Escarcega With presidential campaigns in full swing and elections less than a year away, voters-to-be are informing themselves on the candidates. For

December is Star Wars Month
December 9, 2015
By Andrew Mata Star Wars: The Force Awakens generated $6.5 million in pre-sale tickets, breaking every Imax record and the record for most tickets

Skating Culture Thrives in Santa Ana
December 8, 2015
By Jose Servin Centennial Skate Park in Santa Ana is only empty when it rains. “Even then, you can always find us inside parking

Tips and Tricks for Online Dating
December 8, 2015
By Belinda Espinoza Over 40 million Americans are online looking for love—at least according to a recent opinion piece by OkCupid dating site cofounder