By Jocelyne Poblador Two dancers sway to the beat of a jazzy trumpet as the curtains part, commencing the start of the show. Heather Gillette and Kari Jensen’s collaboration dance show, Say
By: Joanna Meza & Doris Martinez The streets of Birch and 4th were decorated with altars displaying the lives of those who have died. Downtown Santa Ana’s 11th annual one day commemoration
By: Rogelio Santana The scent of burning sage fills a small Downtown Santa Ana dance studio as the group members stomp, spin and shout. The palpitating beat of the huehuetl drums guides
By: Shane Collins Arcade Fire Reflektor Arcade Fire’s two-part musical adventure Reflektor is one of the choice albums of the year. With groovy guitar riffs and fast-paced drumbeats that keep your body
By: Ale Gonzalez Ipsy Instead of paying full price for cosmetics that don’t quite work, a monthly online service ships sizes from deluxe samples to full-sized beauty items right to your
By: Jocelyne Poblador Phosphorescent Muchacho With his sixth album Muchacho, Matthew Houck of Phosphorescent creates a somber sound overflowing with what seems like drunken rambles. He knits together violins and pianos that
By: C. Harold Pierce Tootsies Santa Ana, Calif. Staring up at the tall counter at Tootsie may make you feel like a kid again, but the ice cream is all adult. The
By: Jocelyne Poblador At first there are only two dancers. Blinding lights blaze when they run in from the sides and come together. Nina Simone croons in the background as dancers in
By: Rogelio Santana Rock and Roll icon Lou Reed, former Velvet Underground front man and solo performer died Sunday Oct. 27 at the age of 71 due to medical reasons. Lewis Alan
By: Ale Gonzalez The Associated Student Government celebrated Halloween with a costume contest Thursday in front of the fountain. The Student Business Office faculty and staff won first place dressed as the