A Safe Space
December 8, 2013
By: Nashe Harley Colleagues and students honor a beloved professor by helping battered women The Santa Ana College Communication Studies Club held a clothing

Black Behind the Orange Curtain
December 8, 2013
By: Mahdee Gill FILMMAKER SHANDELL MAXWELL EXPOSES BIGOTRY IN THE O.C. Shandell Maxwell, then 14-years-old, waited for her younger sister outside their home as

Student Loans Continue to Climb
December 8, 2013
By: Alex Olivares After graduating from Santa Ana College, California State University, Fullerton and USC, Rudy Loera is now beginning his career in social

Residents, Students Fight For Park
December 8, 2013
By: C. Harold Pierce Three years ago, Gabriel Martinez, 31, lost control of his car on the freeway and crashed. Then came the sirens

Star Shows Will Run Until Spring
December 8, 2013
By: Katie Porter Construction at Tessmann Planetarium, scheduled to begin last month, has been delayed until March. Planned updates to the 46-year-old building include

Brito Replaces Council Leader
December 8, 2013
By: Katie Porter After missing at least three meetings, leaving dozens of campus clubs leaderless, Inter-Club Council president Gabriel Gonzalez was removed officially Nov.
Leather Fest
December 8, 2013
By: Katie Porter Cultural arts center Muzeo is partnering with the Harley-Davidson Museum to host a winter exhibit honoring an American fashion classic: the
A Giving Season
December 8, 2013
By: Jocelyne Poblador The Associated Student Government and the Santa Ana Police Athletic Activities League will host their second toy drive from Dec. 4